Various Objects Found in Ancient Bekasi

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Things ancient heritage of Dutch colonial period found in Bekasi.

Bekasi: Some of the ancient legacy of Dutch colonial period, such as coins and glassware found in Desa Muara Bakti, Babelan District, Bekasi, West Java. Although many times reported to the government, it appeared that up to now there has not been a serious response.

According to one resident, Syamsu Rizal, recently, he has started collecting ancient objects this since 1993. But since then also, the reports findings is never digubris government agencies concerned. "Until this time there is no response," said Syamsu.

Syamsu added, most of the goods is found on the fringe of a time in the region, especially after the dredging is done twice as anticipated flood. Estimated, there are many things that other ancient still around this time. Evidence, some fraction of Chinese ceramics can still be found in this place.

Monitoring based on SCTV, in some fragile objects that are found there is a stamp that shows the author objects come from the Netherlands and China. However, some of the other signs that there is no specific. While the coin, some are still visible years expenditure. Which is the oldest coin heritage Trade Organization Netherlands (VOC), which is written in 1765.


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