Tips ageless

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Every woman surely want to look beautiful and ageless. However, errors in the pattern of living, eating or other causes of stress can make us and we do not make your face bright. So, so you can continue to look fresh and ageless, following these tips you can apply.

Thinking positive

The mind is the part that really affect the condition of our bodies. Stress can cause disease. Similarly, in your face, too much thinking can make your face look older. So, think positive and always receive you any problems as well.
Select the appropriate cosmetic products

Choose one of beauty products, can be a bad influence on your face. So, kenalilah your skin type and use the product accordingly. Do not be affected by a particular brand or price, but use a fully in accordance with your skin.
Use sun screen

UV rays in the sun can cause wrinkling and flek in the face. Protect your face by using the sun screen if you must leave the house. So that your face will still look clean. many fruit and vegetable consumption

Gynecology vitamins and minerals found in fruits and vegetables is very useful for fresh faces. Your health will be better with mengkonsumsinya.
Enough sleep every day

Adequate sleep helps the body to repair cells damaged. So, before you try to sleep at least 8 hours a day so that the needs of this tercukupi.
Sports regularly

Although sometimes difficult to make time for exercise because of feeling tired after a whole day activity, but that you try to take the time to exercise at least 2 times a week, so that your health stays awake.
Make Up the exact

With a few tricks that make up right, you can also appear young and beautiful.


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