Facial Care Tip

Monday, June 15, 2009

Never go to bed with your make-up on. Make-up that is left on overnight will clogs the pores and prevents the skin cells from shedding, which may cause blemishes and/or blackheads. The skin needs to breathe over night. Waterproof make-up is most easily removed using a gel cleanser.

The most important thing that you can do for your facial skin is to avoid sunlight or use liberal amounts of sunscreen. Sunlight causes the skin to age and causes skin care which is the most common malignancy in humans. The most common area for these tumors is the face. If you do not believe that the sun ages your skin, then look at the skin under your upper arm and compare it to the skin on your face and the back of the hands.

Alpha hydroxy acid applied daily will help prevent acne out breaks if you have acne prone skin. If you have acne and the above measures do not help, see your dermatologist. There are so many prescription treatments for acne.


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