Lipstick - How To Wear Red Lipstick

Monday, June 15, 2009

Red lipstick is a universal classic and has yet to go out of style, according to the fashion magazines, yet many women assume they can’t wear it. They’re wrong. Here we show you how.

Rule No. 1: The secret lies in the rest of your face. The paler the skin, the bigger the pop. Go light on the eyes and the blush, otherwise you’ll risk looking like a clown. Here’s how to do it: Skip eyeliner and go only for mascara (black for brunettes, brown for blondes and redheads), making sure to apply to bottom lashes (it opens up your eyes). Dust face with powder and cheeks with a soft blush.

Rule No. 2: Line inside of lips Red lipstick tends to bleed, so fill in lips with lip liner first, suggests makeup artist Ashunta Sheriff in the December 2006 issue of Harper’s Bazaar.

Rule No. 3: Pick the right color If your complexion is pink, you’ll look better in plum shades, while girls with yellow tones are flattered by warmer reds that have a brown base, according to celebrity makeup artist Jemma Kidd in the December 2005 issue of Harper’s.

Rule No. 4: Don’t let nails clash We prefer non-red nail polish when you’re going red on the lips. A clear polish or light color is cool, and black polish is a trend that shows no sign of going away anytime soon. If you want to go red on the nails, make sure the color matches your lips.
Rule No. 5: Blending is in Few makeup artists stick to one shade of any lipstick, they tend to blend a few to create the perfect colors. If you’ve bought a red lipstick shade that’s too bright, dark or whatever, don’t throw it away. Instead, experiment with other lipstick shades you have on hand to create the perfect shade of red.


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